“Cultures of the Middle
Ages: Magna Carta, or Is There Life After Feudalism?”
MWF 7:30-9:25
RF 110
Prof. Paul Hyams
TA: Jessica
Contacts: prh3, 257-3168
Office Hrs. Mon 2-3 pm; Thursday 3-4 pm in MG 307
Office Hrs. Fri 11:15 am - 12:15 pm
in GS 340A
Required Readings:
Optional (but recommended for newcomers to the period):
You can find partial
texts of the following online
Ganshof, Feudalism
Holt, Magna Carta
Bloch, Feudal Society
I shall keep this secondary reading to a minimum. That way, you can focus on reading and re-reading the primary materials (in English) I shall make available each week, some of them as online links, indicated with an asterisk, *. I shall try when I can to follow up class discussions with an appropriate text for the next time.
You will see from this that you will have to pay attention to e-mails from us, and especially to the online version of this syllabus, which will be more definitive than the paper one. This is to be found at
Course Description:
The point of this course is to equip students to read medieval texts imaginatively and critically. Though we shall concentrate our efforts on a close reading of texts roughly in the way literary scholars, no historian can ignore Con-Text. It will my job, through bouts of lecturing to show you the way that close reading and contextualization lead back to each other. Our readings will focus on two quite different yet related topics that each lie close to the core of medieval political culture. First, the one thing that almost everybody knows about the European middle ages is the notion of feudalism. Why, then, do so many historians seek to avoid using the word now? And second, the great royal charter of liberties from 1215 still stands as a great symbol of democracy and the rule of law, both here in the US and in England. But is that really what Magna Carta was about? Magna Carta we will read, clause by clause where necessary. But how can we test the case for feudalism, when neither the word(s) nor the abstract idea appears in medieval sources? How does the scholar frame his or questions and find the facts to answer them? I shall do my best to give you techniques you can use to decide what you are prepared to believe from newspapers while they survive, and from the blogosphere and other media.
1. Weekly
Responses to Readings: These will normally be between 1-2
pages, and never longer than 3 pp. (They should
be typed in 12 –point, and well spaced with
good margins for comment) Each will initially be readon an S/U
basis, and returned with comments. At the semester end, we shall
review the whole group for writing and
argument, also to see that you completed the task; the resulting
grade will make up 30% of the final grade. You should set
yourselves questions suggested by the week’s
readings, and explain how one might tackle them. We will give
particular credit when you make sensible use of primary materials,
and when you link your questions to
topics that have provoked discussion in previous classes. Some
weeks I may suggest specific questions. I do not expect a full
answer to the questions, especially when
(as will often be the case with Magna Carta) that would demand
contextual knowledge which you cannot be expected to possess. Use
the opportunity to put the pressure
on me to help you get closer to an answer! Please send your
responses to each of us as an ATTACHment (preferably in WORD), to
arrive by 5 pm on Tuesday.
2. Papers: You will write 3 more
formal papers 6-8 pp. each (typed as specified above), one on
Feudalism, the other on Magna Carta. The 3rd paper
(11-13 pp.) is at your
own choice, but its topic must be cleared with one of us at least
10 days before the due date, so we can guide you on organization
and sources. The 1st 2 papers will each be
worth 15% of the final grade, the 3rd longer
one 25%. Papers too are to be sent to each of us
as WORD Attachments.
3. Office Hours: I think of Office
Hours as an important and required part of the course, and will
reward all who use the opportunity well with bonus credit at the
end of the
course. We each want to have talked with you individually,
at least before the end of Week IV, and as often thereafter
as you like, to review progress and receive any comments you may
have. (Do not forget to title your papers; this helps the reader
to gain a first idea of the questions you intend to pose and the
direction in which your argument will be heading.
Participation, discussions etc.
0. Aug 22
Ganshof, Intro, Pt. I. (to p. 12) + Bp. Fulbert's Letter on Fidelity, c. 1020
I. Aug 27, 29
Ganshof, Pt. II, Chaps. 2-3
Commendation (Ganshof, 6-7)
oaths, private fidelity & royal
Oath 757
Century Capitularies
Frankish Fiefs and Jurisdiction
II. Sept 3, 5
Ganshof, Pt. III, chap. 1
regiae from an art installation!! And here is a text in English
Conrad II's
Constitution on the inheritance of fiefs in Italy, 1037
Baronum of 1166: Intro of Knight Service to England
after 1066?
Evesham Writ, bef. 1072
and Hereford fief grants (late 11th cent.)
Hereford Charter, 1177
The Cockfield Case 1201
III. Sept 10, 12
Ganshof, Pt. III, chap. 2
Galbert of Bruges: 'Homage and Fealty', 1127
Wardship Case,
Making Faith with Infidels?
IV.Sept 17, 19
Ganshof, Pt. III,
chaps. 3-4
Warin of
Walcot, a C12 robber knight errant!
Multiple Lordship etc. in the Leges Henrici Primi (early C12
England); and in
Orderic Vitalis has the King of France dealing with a
vassal looking after his other lord,
Thibaut IV of Champagne and his
vassal, 1217
Marie de France fables: 'The Ailing Lion' and 'The Rich Man'
Scott Waugh on
English lawsuits over retainers (1986)
What did King
Henry III see in bed? -- Debonerete!
Paper I (on 'Feudalism') due Wednesday, Oct 3
V. Sept 24, 26
The 'Conventum' (1020s)
is a difficult but fascinating narrative of relations between an
awkward vassal of the same duke of Aquitaine, who received
Fulbert's Letter on Fidelity, c. 1020 (Wk. I), and the two
should be read against each other.
2 helpful maps of the area covered in the Conventum
Magna Carta
Henry I's
Coronation Charter, 1100
The 'Unknown
Charter', ? 1215
The 'Articles of the Barons, 1215'
Carta 1216 reissue
Carta 1217 reissue
Magna Carta 1225
Writ of 1234
to the sheriff of Lincoln explaining a clause
VI. Oct 1, 3
MC 1215 (Turner, 226-36)
on Due Process (incl., 1215, cl. 39)
VII. Oct 10
Turner, Intro & chap. 1 (30)
VIII. Oct 15, 17
Holt, ‘The Legal
and Social Context’, in King & Ridyard (ed.) Law
in Medieval Life and Thought *
Hudson, 'MC, the Ius Commune & the
Common Law ' in Loengard (ed.) MC & the England of K. John *
Helmholz, 'MC & the Ius Commune', University
Law Review 66 (1999), 297 sq. [Available through
online catalog]
Pennington, 'The Ius
commune, Suretyship, and Magna carta' (2000)
IX. Oct 22, 24
chap. 2 (20+)
Turner, chap. 3 (28) + ‘Unknown Charter’* & ‘Articles of the Barons’*
XI. Nov 5, 7
chap. 4 (32) + 1225 charter, also
1216, 1217*
II (on Magna Carta) due on Monday April 28
XII. Nov 12, 14
chap. 8 (25)
XIII. Nov 19, 21
chaps. 5-7 (80)
XIV. Nov 26, 28
STUDY PERIOD Sunday May 8 to
Wednesday May 11
EXAM PERIOD Thursday May 11 to Friday May 20
prh/1-11 Carcassonne 1110 acknowledgement of Homage, Fidelity etc.
Ch re 1233 Flanders Relief ‘MC & Its American Legacy’ H I Shire Ct writ (1110) + H I 1100 Ch. + 1148/53 E. Anglian shire ct. narrative c. 1275 Eng. forms for H. & F. Abolition of Feudal System, 1789 Scutage, early egs on name